The prices for PSP hand-helds are dropping and internet connection speed test free games malaya hotel your PSP has never been easier, together this Dsl Digital Subscriber Line making the PSP boom in popularity around the globe.
The PSP is the greatest road-trip toy that anyone could have. Games for PSP generally come in the form of small UMD Tmnet Streamyx but there are other ways to store PSP games.
Before we get into how to download free PSP games, I am going to share with you what you will speed up internet connection first.
First, you will need is a memory stick, at least a 1 GB. If you internet file sharing the cash then I would go with one of Sony's new 8 GB memory sticks so that you can pack it full of games. With each passing day these things seem to broadband national getting cheaper. Keep an eye open at your local electronics store, often times you can get them on sale.
Once you have a nice size memory stick, you are going to need to check your PSP's high speed internet Your PSP needs to be Firmware Version High Speed Internet or less, if you have a later version of Firmware then you will need to downgrade your PSP. The process is pretty simple and the instructions can be found at most PSP download sites.
Once you have those two things in order, it is time to actually download free games to your PSP. The process can be done in 3 easy steps.
Download Free PSP Games - Step #1
First, you will need to download free PSP games from the Internet to your computer. There are three basic types of PSP download sites that you that you will come across, I have Streamyx Hotline covered them in a previous article, so I am not going to get into them now. You can read that article here if you like.
Download Free PSP Games - Step #2
Once you have downloaded the PSP games to your computer, you will need to transfer them to your PSP with a USB cable. Once you connect your PSP to the computer you will be able to simply drag and drop the game files to your PSP.
You will just need to make sure that you copy the PSP game files to the correct path or broadband expert will not work. The correct path to use is: PSP>GAME (make sure that they are in capital letters too).
Download Free PSP Games - Step #3
Now that you have transfered the PSP games to your hand-held, all you need to do is disconnect it from your computer. Then in the PSP menu, scroll down to where it says 'GAME' and select the memory stick option. Then press 'X' and your list of PSP games will appear on your screen.
Congrats, you just Speed Up Dsl downloading free games to your PSP, now all you have to do is enjoy...
Happy Gaming!
Ryan Edward has reviewed 37 different PSP game download sites and shares his findings at his website. Check it out now and discover the best PSP download site around...